About Us
Ella Bittel, Holistic Veterinarian
Born in Germany, Ella followed her childhood desire to “help animals” by becoming a veterinarian. Ella has specialized in holistic modalities for over 20 years, among them veterinary acupuncture and chiropractic, cranio-sacral work, homeopathy, TTOUCH and energy medicine techniques adapted from Donna Eden, including work on the animals aura and chakras.
When Ella’s dog companion of 17 years, Momo, reached the end of her life, it became clear to Ella that none of her expansive training in traditional nor complementary veterinary care had included any information on how to support an animal dying naturally.
This reflects how strongly the trend in modern societies is to keep the topic of death and dying out of our awareness, leaving us helpless and unprepared once the situation occurs that one of our loved ones concludes their physical existence. For an animal family member, this very commonly results in euthanasia being employed to end its life.
Her experiences with Momo passing naturally, and feeling that just like birth, the dying process is of inherent value and an important part of an individual’s journey, led Ella to engage in animal hospice and create a weekend seminar as well as online classes for anyone interested in options in end-of life care for our animal companions. Her vision is that a network develops on a nation- and worldwide scale, where people caring for a dying animal can find support by those who share their passion for hospice care for our animal loved ones.
Ella has been a speaker at various professional conferences on the topic of animal hospice care, for published articles please click here.
Ella Bittel graduated from veterinary school in Hanover, Germany in 1994. She is on the advisory board for the NHFP (Nikki Hospice Foundation for Pets). Certified with AVCA (American Veterinary Chiropractic Association) 1998, with IVAS (International Veterinary Acupuncture Society) 1999. Member of AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association), AHVMA (American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association), VBMA (Veterinary Botanical Medical Association).
Bunny Morrow, Administrative Assistant
Bunny grew up in California with a love for horses, dogs and all animals. She spent 35 years in product design and marketing, and managing manufacturing businesses prior to becoming involved with SPIRITS in Transition. Bunny has been assisting Ella since 2002.
Bunny’s passion for working with SPIRITS in Transition is fueled by the magnificence of her own experiences in assisting Ella in animal hospice care and thus being able to provide that assistance to her own dog.
In 2001 when Bunny’s then 12 year old Black Labrador, Swany, was diagnosed with laryngeal paralysis and the spondylosis in her spine was worsening, Bunny agonizingly thought her only option might be to have Swany “put to sleep” to spare Swany the discomfort of throat surgery and the back problems from aging. Bunny was referred to Holistic Veterinarian, Ella Bittel for acupuncture and chiropractic which proved to be close to a miracle cure for Swany — her back and throat conditions improved immediately. Swany did have successful throat surgery at age 13 and lived a full, happy life to the ripe old age of 16 when she died a peaceful, natural death. How to aid Swany in her geriatric years, how to give hospice care to her and how to prepare for and celebrate her life and death are the life changing gifts Bunny and Swany received from all that Ella and SPIRITS in Transition have to share. You can read more about Swany in our stories section.